This is us!

We are a family of 7, "large" by today's standards, but small by the ideas of "yesteryear". We all have unique talents and we all work together (sometimes by choice, sometimes by necessity). Each one of us brings valuable thoughts and talents to our farm.
Jeff (dad, husband), has a job off the farm as a hydropower mechanic worker-in-charge. He does a lot of fixing at work, and a lot of fixing at home. He loves constructing things and he's very talented at it, as well as finding holes in our efficiency and making our processes better.
Gretchen (mom, wife) is usually the one setting the pace and steering the work. She knows how to run a farm and doesn't always have a good sense of balance in life (lol). She homeschools the kids and encourages them to be entrepreneurs and believe in themselves.
Our kids help out in all ways, from raising doodle puppies, gathering eggs, operating equipment and milking cows. They are kind, trustworthy and all-around good people.

What we believe

Obviously we believe raw milk is important, or we wouldn't be here. We also believe "whole" foods are important for good health. We believe in hard work and using the gifts (the land and animals God gave us) and the talents that were bestowed upon us to benefit others. We chose to develop Renegade Ridge Creamery under the umbrella of Renegade Ministries because we didn't want to name it Pedersen Enterprises or Renegade Ventures. Since we are providing the healthiest milk possible to our community and see much of what we do on the farm as our ministry to others, we are calling it a Ministry. Period.

We believe in "nature" (not as a god) and nature's God (God Almighty) that nature will do as God directed. Cows will have babies, give milk and the trees will grow leaves in spring that will shed in the fall.

Renegade Ridge Creamery is named as such to remind us that we are "renegades" in a sense. Called to be and do something different. We are called to look different and be different. Instructed to stand out, not fit in.

Be a renegade and join us for the healthiest, best tasting milk you've ever had!