Subscription Agreement

Renegade Ridge Creamery

Subscription Agreement
Gallons per week______________________Charge per Month____________
One time Jar Deposit_$4 x________
PMA Agreement signed: YES NO

First Month_____________________
Pickup/Delivery Day: M T W TH F S Sun

Each Month after Deposit________

Location: Ice Harbor Dam, Kennewick, Prescott, On the Farm, Walla Walla, Dayton

I understand that I am committing to _______ gallons per week and I am required to return the exact number of jars (even if that means I have to put any remaining milk in my own container). If milk is not picked up within two days of the agreed upon date, the milk will be recycled and you will not be reimbursed, unless other arrangements have been made.

Payment is due the first of the month. I will be charged via electronic invoice or Shopify on the first of every month and there will be late fee beginning on the 8th day of the month of 10% of the monthly amount per day until paid.

Please rinse your jars well and return them when you pick up your milk

Signature and Date

Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions                                                   

Monthly Milk Subscription

 This is long but very important. Many of your questions should be answered by reading the terms and conditions. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
 Our dairy products are RAW, nothing is pasteurized. Raw milk can contain beneficial and harmful organisms.

We sell our products only via Private Membership Association.  You must join the PMA in order to purchase
products.  We sell only in the private, not in the public.  We welcome word-of-mouth referrals! 

  • If you are new to raw milk, please allow your body time to get used to raw milk by starting with only a cup a day.
  • Please do your own research to judge whether raw milk is a good option for you and your family before you buy from me.
  • The milk should last 7 - 10 days from the fill date.
  • Transport your milk in a cooler from my fridge to yours. This will help with keeping the milk cool, fresh and last longer!
  • Milk must stay refrigerated. 35-37 degrees is a great temp.
  • Clean jars and cool milk make the freshest milk!
  • By Private Membership Association - Farm to Consumer ONLY


  • Pay monthly, pickup/delivery weekly.
  • Invoices will be sent by Stripe Pay via email on or around the 20th of each month
  • Payment is due on or before the 1st of the month for the month’s worth of milk, failure to pay before the 1st will result in a late fee (See Late Fees below). If you need arrangements made, please communicate with me before the 1st of the month
  • Cash, Check (payable to Renegade Ridge Creamery), Venmo (as payments between friends) or Stripe Pay are accepted
  • Automatic (recurring) payment option available thru various payment processors.


  • I will work with you on a pickup day, but know some days may be already filled.
  • You have 2 days (your normal day plus 1) to pick up your order during store hours.
  • There is no one there manning the barn during the week. This is on an honor system during the week.
Your pickup day is Sunday from 10-12 but can’t make it, you’ll have Monday
10-12 or Tuesday 4-6 to come grab your milk before it’s recycled with no refund
and an added jar washing fee.


Subscription Hours:

*Please respect the pickup times.
-  Sundays CLOSED
- Monday-Saturday
(on the farm) 10am -7pm  (Each drop point has a separate expectation of pickup).  This will be discussed  in
person.  Dayton is open and come and go as you please.  Ice Harbor is a set drop time.  Kennewick and Walla Walla have set hours on the day of drop off.
  • Subscription hours will always remain the same unless I contact you directly via text message or email
  • You WILL NOT be reimbursed if you do not pick up your order in a timely fashion or if you do not give me a 36-hour notice
  • Please give at least 36 hours if you are unable to pickup on your day.
  • A 3 day notice is needed for any minor changes to your order
  • Please note that I still may not be able to guarantee any additions

  • A one time $5 jar deposit per gallon is required until February 28th, 2024, when deposits increase to $4 per half gallon jar or $8 per gallon. If you break a jar, you are responsible for another jar deposit.
  • You MUST bring back an equal amount of empty jars each week, so I can fill your order for the next week.
  • You may wish to keep an extra set of jars for yourself, so you can return the right amount of jars each week.
  • Bring them back rinsed well and air dried.
  • If you cancel your subscription, the jars are yours, so you have 30 days collect before they are forfeited to my collect. I’m happy to buy them back if they are in good condition
  • If you wish to keep jars as gifts or decoration, please pay an additional deposit for your new jars.


  •  Always check your emails!
  • Emails will be sent out for important updates or changes to the subscription program including terms & conditions, pricing, etc.
  • Text messages will be sent out to you directly with reminders of drop times or if there is a problem with getting your order filled and I have to move you to a different day (this happens if a milk-tastrophie happens that is out of my control).


  •  Extra dairy products, eggs and other refrigerated items will be in the farm fridge on the bottom right side and it’s a first come first serve basis - Payment on those extras are due at time of pickup - Communicate to me if you paid cash or need an invoice sent.
  • Honey products are also available on the shelf
  • BEEF - Please send me a text or email. These must be purchased outside of the PMA.

Refrigerator Etiquette:

  • Each drop point has a fridge. Please make sure the door is shut on the fridge before leaving the premises.

Cancelation Policy:

  • Cancel before the next month
  • If you cancel mid-month, you will not be reimbursed.

Late Fees:

  • 10% of your bill
  • Subscriptions are due on the 1st of every month. A late fee will be added on day 8.
  • “Extras” are due upon pickup. A late fee will be added for no payment the next day.

What else? When a person starts a business there are things that can not be anticipated, just accommodated as it plays out. Please watch for any changes and updates to address any new areas of joy or concern.

Thank you for your support of our family endeavor!

If paying by check, please make checks payable to Renegade Ministries.