Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have to be a member? Membership to the PMA is required for those purchasing our products because it protects our constitutional right to buy and sell in the private sector. You can use the same protections under our PMA umbrella!

Why do you call your dairy a "ministry"? The farm itself is a public entity, but the dairy operates in the private. It's a little more than just semantics, really. We could have called it Renegade Enterprises or Pedersen Ventures, but we opted to go with Renegade Ministries and DBA as Renegade Ridge Creamery because our mission is to serve others.

If you're a ministry, are you going to shove God and Jesus down my throat?Nope. Nope and Nope. We decided on this model because it fits OUR beliefs of how our farm (milk, lodging, beef, honey, eggs, doodle puppies) is a ministry for our family. We want to get to know you and we will pray for you if you request it, but mostly we prefer to LIVE it, not talk it.

Whew! Ok. If I'm not going to get preached at, what can I expect? We'd like to get to know you! When you reach out to us, we will ask you for your name, address, email and phone number (on the joining documents) and we will talk to you about how to sign up for a subscription.

Can I share a subscription with my friend or sister?

Yes you can! You and the other person just need to be members.

Can I organize a group and make the transaction for the whole group?

Yes. You just can not resale or sell in the public. Everything must remain between private individuals.

Is your milk A2A2?

All of the milk we produce is A2A2. We have a few nurse cows who are A1A2, but the milk we drink and distribute is all A2A2. A good percentage of our cows are also kappa casein BB, which is the least amount of protein making the milk less-allergenic to those allergic to the kappa casein instead of beta casein. It also provides a higher cheese yield for the cheesemakers out there!

Tell me about milk proteins!

We also test all of our cows for milk proteins. Kappa Casein, Beta Casein and Beta Lactoglobulin. Most of our cows are Kappa Casein BB. This means that they have the lowest level of protein which is best for those allergic to kappa casein and best for cheese makers. You will get a higher cheese yield if you use kappa casein BB milk. Pair that with beta lactoglobulin BB and the yield is even higher. Some of our cows are beta lactoglobulin BB, most are AB (also acceptable for a higher cheese yield). Our bull is A2A2 grass fed genetics with kappa casein BB and beta lactoglobulin BB. He is AJCA registered. We are breeding for these proteins.

Do you disease test your cows?

All of our cows are tested annually for TB and Brucellosis. We also test for Johnes. Everyone is negative.

Is your milking "sanitary"?

We milk with a milking machine that is sanitized after each milking. We use an iodine spray after we've cleaned the teats and udders to sanitize more thoroughly. We also pour milk into sanitized jars.

Do you test your milk?

We are working with RAWMI to develop a consistent testing routine with an on-the-farm lab. For now, we test using a mastitis card test and some other diagnostics if we suspect a problem.

Are you organic?

We are NOT certified organic. We feed good quality hay and grain and treat naturally first if there are health concerns (a healthy diet for the cows prevents many problems). We would like the ability to treat our cows with antibiotics should they need it after we have tried all natural avenues. Perhaps "going organic" is something we will consider in the future.

What certifications do you have?

We believe in producing a good product with consistent routines. We are seeking certification with RAWMI.

Can I visit your farm?

Yes, but we don't have normal business hours. Because there is much to do on the farm, appointments must be scheduled.

Who is the cow in the picture?

That is Florence, or "Flo" or "J.Lo" as she is sometimes called. She is Gretchen's favorite cow. She is A2A2, kappa casein BB and beta lactoglobulin AB.

Can I organize a drop point if you're not in my city/town yet?

Yes you can! Gather some people and determine how much milk you will be wanting weekly and we will see if we can make that happen!

Can I pick up my milk on the farm?

Yes! Right now we have a Wednesday and Friday "on the farm" pickup. Please contact us for further information.

How many kids to you have?


Do you Home-School?


Can I buy beef from you?

Yes, but not through the PMA. That will be through the main ranch (in the public), Pedersen Ranch. It is dependent upon availability, market price. It is grass-fed and non-GMO grain finished. No anti-biotics to promote growth (only used if the animal is sick and in need).

How about eggs?

They are free-range, Non-GMO and can be purchased for $5/dozen.


We have that, too! Quarts or Jugs!

Why do you sometimes say "farm" and other times say "ranch"?

We think a smaller piece of property like ours (75 acres) should be called a farm, but we don't "farm" anything - we raise animals, so that makes us a ranch. Couple that with our remote (but easily accessible) location and we are most definitely a ranch...just a small one compared to our neighbors.

Why is the milk $16?

We have a great Rumble video that explains our pricing. Raw milk has ZERO subsidies from the government (and who would want to take them anyway?). Everything we do from breeding, animal purchases and feeding, bedding, equipment, fuel to your drop point and the fridges we provide is financed completely by us, and, unfortunately, not usually with cash, but with credit like the rest of America right now. Pricing raw milk at it's value point is how we ensure, like any business, that we will continue to provide a high quality product with low burnout.

Do you calf-share (let a calf nurse the cow part time and milk part time)? No. We let calves be with mama's for 24 hours and then they go to a nurse cow. If no nurse cow is available right away, we bottle feed with mother's milk.