Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I have to be a member? Membership to the PMA is required for those purchasing our products because it protects our constitutional right to buy and sell in the private sector. You can use the same protections under our PMA umbrella!
Why do you call your dairy a "ministry"? The farm itself is a public entity, but the dairy operates in the private. It's a little more than just semantics, really. We could have called it Renegade Enterprises or Pedersen Ventures, but we opted to go with Renegade Ministries and DBA as Renegade Ridge Creamery because our mission is to serve others.
If you're a ministry, are you going to shove God and Jesus down my throat?Nope. Nope and Nope. We decided on this model because it fits OUR beliefs of how our farm (milk, lodging, beef, honey, eggs, doodle puppies) is a ministry for our family. We want to get to know you and we will pray for you if you request it, but mostly we prefer to LIVE it, not talk it.
Whew! Ok. If I'm not going to get preached at, what can I expect? We'd like to get to know you! When you reach out to us, we will ask you for your name, address, email and phone number (on the joining documents) and we will talk to you about how to sign up for a subscription.