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Renegade Ridge Creamery

Subscription Non-GMO Free Range Chicken Eggs (Dozen)

Subscription Non-GMO Free Range Chicken Eggs (Dozen)

Regular price $5.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Our hens are fed a local, non-GMO grain mix that is free from corn and soy.  They are allowed to free-range the ranch under protection of the Livestock Guardian Dogs who diligently watch for predators and keep the hens safe.  A rooster is no necessary for egg production, but there are several docile roo's who keep guard and alert the hens and dogs of impending danger.

Because they love scratching outdoors so much, we do keep them penned until mid-day to encourage them to lay their eggs in the nesting boxes, rather than under a bush where we lose track of them easily.

Our eggs come in a variety of colors:  greens, white, cream, light and dark brown and an occasional blue.  They are washed and require refrigeration.

PMA Membership is required for purchase.

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